Community Service Committee
Meets 1 pm, the second Monday of the month, Clubhouse
There will not be a meeting in July 2024
Chair: Joan Hughes
Alternate: Donna Maynard
Actively encourage our committee members to seek out charities and needs in our community, especially those aiding women and children. We select those where we can have the most impact and, after approval from the RWC Board, we work closely with the Fund Raising Committee to support these worthy programs.
Programs Committee
Meets 2:00 pm, the first Tuesday of the month, Clubhouse
Chair: Nancy Converse
Alternate: TBD
Plans the luncheon events, schedules speakers, acts as their hostesses and introduces them at the luncheons; plans the menus and coordinates the table decoration for each month.
Fund Raising Committee
Meets 3:30 pm, the second Wednesday of the month, Clubhouse
Chair: Elaine Hughes
Alternate: Paulette Nedrow
Recommends, oversees, and finalizes all fund raising activities to ensure successful and productive events. Works with Community Service to fund some of their projects. Joining this committee is both fun and rewarding.
Membership Committee
Meets as required
Co-Chairs: Nora Blau
Membership Committee Meets as required Maintains the membership records of the club; collects the annual dues; provides greeters for club luncheons and functions; oversees reservations for club luncheons; informs and encourages newcomers to join RWC.
Publicity Committee
Meets as required
Chair: Lee Lipscomb
Alternate: TBA
Plans and prepares all notices of General Meetings, fund raising events and service project activities, including items for the Regency Review, Regency Website, Regency Happenings, etc. Maintains the RWC website. Issues press releases about RWC's charitable work to the local newspapers. Issues a yearly survey to the membership, summarizes and distributes its responses. Maintains the Yearbook.
ByLaws Committee
Meets as required
Chair: Liz Coughlin
Alternate: TBD
Prepares and recommends a Constitution to the Board; prepares and recommends to the Board changes and amendments to the Bylaws.
Finance Committee
Meets as required
Chair: Ethel Muter
Prepares the annual budgets submitted by the standing committees. Treasurer serves as the Chairperson.
Audit Committee
Meets as required
Chair: TBD
Reviews the Regency Women's Club financial books and prepares a written report annually.
Nominating Committee
Meets as required
Chair: Liz Coughlin
Presents a slate of candidates for Officers and Committee Chairs to the General membership; recruits and introduces candidates; announces results of voting on slate.