Prior to the luncheon we presented checks to the representatives from the Greater Manassas Team Quest Youth Project, and to the Friends of the Gainesville Library Garden Project. Louise Worley gave the Thought for the Day She read an original work written by her Mother, entitled A Sure Way to a Happy Day; and followed up with an excerpt from Betty White's book, If You Ask Me.
We welcomed and honored our 2022 Battlefield High School Scholarship Recipients, Pavneet Cheema and Erika Mousa, who are heading off to Northern Virginia Community College. Pavneet will be studying Cyber Security, and Erika is pursuing NICU nursing. All the best to them both!
Our NoVA nursing students' thank you letters were read in their absence. They are: Puja Rudra and Saita Tripathi
We then presented a check to Sarah Tyndall, Boxes of Basics founder, and our charity of this past season.
Kelly Persons and Gary Sargent thanked the RWC for our years of support to the students at Battlefield and NoVA. We have been able to grant $80,000 in scholarships thanks to you. This is an important investment in the future.
Following the presentations, Liz Coughlin installed the 2022-23 RWC Board.
President Nancy Converse Executive Vice President Joan Hughes Vice -President of Programs Diana Taplin Vice President of Community Service Pat Valle Vice-President of Fund-Raising Mary Howell Treasurer Carol Bowen Recording Secretaries Glenna Toppen Mary Jo Rigby Corresponding Secretary Sandi McNickle
Serve at the discretion of the RWC President: Membership Chair Liz Anderson Publicity Chair Lee Lipscomb By-Laws Chair Liz Coughlin Congratulations to our Raffle winners: Faye Graul, Carol Bowen, Heather Cohen, Pat Hovan, Joyce Eliassen, Lee Lipscomb, and Sophie Burkat! Thanks to all who support this important Scholarship raffle.
Photos by: Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
May 5, 2022 Luncheon Our members and guests gathered at our festively decorated tables to enjoy lunch and the program.
Sue Reitzig presented the Thought for the Day, Be Thankful (Author Unknown), From “Annie’s Mailbox”, November 27, 2009 Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference. It’s easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings. Lastly, my own personal thanks – I’m thankful for the Regency Women’s Club because it gives me an opportunity to socialize with the many friends I’ve made here, to learn from its programs and to help those who are less fortunate through the raffles, community service activities and fundraisers. Thank you, RWC, and all the people, past and present, who have kept and continue to keep it going!!
After lunch we welcomed Hilary Lowenstein who talked with us about Being in the Present Moment and gave us tips for accomplishing that through breathing and mindfulness. We practiced these techniques while enjoying our dessert of cookies and brownies!
We then elected our new RWC Board for the 2022-2023 season:
President Nancy Converse Executive Vice President Joan Hughes Vice -President of Programs Diana Taplin Vice President of Community Service Pat Valle Vice-President of Fund-Raising Mary Howell Treasurer Carol Bowen Recording Secretaries Glenna Toppen Mary Jo Rigby Corresponding Secretary Sandi McNickle
Serve at the discretion of the RWC President: Membership Chair Liz Anderson Publicity Chair Lee Lipscomb By-Laws Chair Liz Coughlin
Congratulations to our raffle winners: Elena Daly, Paulette Nedrow, and Carol Whitney!
April 7, 2022 Luncheon
The chilly April showers didn't keep our members away. It was warm and welcoming in the Clubhouse as we gathered for our luncheon, program, and business meeting.
Before lunch, Liz Coughlin presented the Thought for the Day by LH Theaker that resonated with all of us as we await true spring weather:
"The grass is green across our hills And yellow bloom the daffodils Like sunshine on a slender stalk Such friends flowers - I bet they talk Of little ones, too long inside Who burst outdoors to play and hide Of dogs who yap while running wild What fun to be a dog or child And it grow warmer every day So join those creatures out to play To pick the flowers, roll in mud And hope the weather spares us floods Our snowy winter days - they're gone Of birds in trees and wind chimes ring I guess - I think - I hope it's spring!"
Kendra and Cindy of CK Designs talked with us about how to refresh our homes with paint, accessories, and more. We had some technical difficulties due to Comcast doing work in the area, so, unfortunately, we were not able to see all they had prepared.
Following the program we heard about some of the changes made to help streamline the reservation process. A Food and Beverage representative will be on hand at check in, and then afterward to assist members sign up for the next luncheon. Luncheons will be buffet and will be $23 all inclusive.
Pat Valle, CSC, told us about the upcoming baking for heroes project where RWC members will bake cookies, and other sweets to be delivered to local fire departments, the PWC Police department, and to our Security Gate personnel on April 25th.
Fundraising leaders, Mary Eichelberger and Mary Howell encouraged members to sign up for the April 28th Charity Golf Tournament.
The raffle concluded the meeting. Congratulations to our lucky winners: Carla Licata, Lee Lipscomb, Joanne Burger, Patty Sommers, Wanda Crouch, Mary Eichelberger, Mary Brandt, and Cathy Gatling!
Photography by Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
March 3, 2022 RWC Luncheon
We celebrated Mardi Gras in fine New Orleans Jazz style, thanks to Doc Conrad and his marvelous band. Our very own, Wanda Crouch, played clarinet during one of the sets!
Kate Connelly presented the Thought for the Day that resonated with all of us in RWC and in Regency:
"He finds a world - who finds a friend And makes that friend his own Henceforth, wherever his way may wend Wherever he may roam A world of sympathy and cheer, he'll find Of love and understanding true, Oh, what a happy world I found When I found Regency and you!"
We were updated on recent RWC charitable projects and are very grateful to all of you for your support of the Haymarket Regional Food Pantry drive and the Teddy Bear Collection. Check out the Projects Page for more information about these.
The ever popular Charity Golf Tournament and Putting Event returns on Thursday, April 28, 2022! You may find forms to register and/or sponsor a Hole here.
Congratulations to our March raffle winners: Pat Valle, Mary Ellen Silsby, Beth Magnone on behalf of Sandra Matukaitis, and Barbara Markwood! The raffle proceeds go entirely to support of annual Dodi Myers Scholarship Fund!
Photos by Lee Lipscomb
February 3, 2022 RWC Luncheon
A profusion of ladies in red brightened up the dreary day as we gathered to celebrate Black History Month. Jo Ann Obie gave the Thought of the Day with song. She sang a beautiful rendition of a Negro Spiritual, Give Me Jesus, composed by Hal Johnson. She was accompanied by Dana Carter on the piano. We then welcomed KIm Miller, Prince William County’s Poet Laureate! As a Poet Laureate, she introduces poetry to those unfamiliar with poetry. She captivated the audience as she discussed how poetry can convey messages in many ways to enlighten, transport, and educate the reader/listener. Among other things, she explained how RAP is really Rhythm and Poetry. She quoted many 17-syllable Haiku and Senryu poems, and some “Kimisms” during her talk. A couple of club favorites: “You cannot divide someone into fractions to make yourself whole.” “Stop criticizing men who have baggage when you have a storage unit.” Kim was filmed by Voice of America radio (USIA). The business meeting followed. Pat Valle gave an update on the recent Community Service Projects and thanked everyone for their contributions and support. Mary Eichelberger gave an update on Fundraising activities and future projects. She conducted the Scholarship raffle. Congratulations to the winners: Mary Stubblebine, who won the beautiful goody basket, and to Jean Jones who won Mary Ginty's jams and jellies!
Photography by Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
December 2, 2021 Luncheon
A very festive group gathered for our December luncheon. Sandi McNickle gave the thought for the day. It was about the sentimentalism of the holiday season.
We were so happy to welcome back our favorite florist, Doug Burroughs! He created four beautiful holiday arrangements, giving how to tips along the way. Some of the tips involved 'gathering' greens from around Regency! He also advised us how to keep the greens well hydrated so they will last throughout the season.
We congratulate our raffle winners who were able to take home the festive arrangements: Patti Sommers, Sue Reitzig, Darcee Trigger, Heather Cohen, Peggy Grady, Jane Brown, Fran McGuire, Karen Nizialek, Donna Jones, Maureen Ivers, Lee Lipscomb, and Joyce Cantrell. And, thanks to all who support the raffle each month. It makes a huge difference in a student's future.
Photography: Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
November 4, 2021 Luncheon
It was bright, chilly November day for our luncheon where our program honored Native American History Month Irene Grass gave the Thought for the Day A reading of the poem Amazing Life
Heather Aits, Food and Beverage Manager, gave a brief tutorial about using the HOA website to make reservations. She gave some valuable tips for making sure your reservation has been completed.
Nathan MacDonald from the Prince William County Department of Historic Preservation entertained us with information about Native American history in our area. Alan Stanz, a musician and expert flautist, performed and informed us about the early Native American flutes, and those used today.
We conducted our raffle and are pleased to announced our lucky winners: Louise Worley, Sheryl Solow, Mary Jo Rigby, Joan Hughes, Heather Cohen, and Pat Valle.
Thanks to all who support the raffle each month. It makes a huge difference in a student's future.
October 7, 2021 Luncheon
Our second luncheon of the season was festively decorated and enjoyed by many of our members. They thoroughly enjoyed our speaker, Andrew Mills, author of Haunting Prince William County. Andrew is a TV host of Destination America and a tour guide for Mount Vernon. Andrew talked about the ghosts at Chapman’s Mill, The Winery at La Grange, and the Monster of Independent Hill.
Leslie Mitchell presented the Thought for the Day
Following the program, our VP of Programs, Diana Taplin, gave us a preview of the programs for the coming few months. Click here to see our Programs slated
Pat Valle, Community Services Committee VP, gave us a run down of upcoming projects. October 19, 2021 - Coats for Kids October 29, 2021 - Blood Drive November - Gift cards from grocery stores for Haymarket Regional Food Pantry to supplement fresh meat and vegetables for holiday meals.
Fund Raising Committee VP, Mary Eichelberger reported on the Oktoberfest. The sold-out event raised $3500 for Boxes of Basics. December 12 is the date for the Sweet Shop to be held at Liz Anderson’s home April 28 is the date set for the Golf Tournament.
Our Scholarship Raffle winners were: Darcee Trigger; Thelma Kenney; Janice MacDonald; Sandi McNickle; Joyce Eliassen; Sharon Goodson; Carol Hobday; Paula Street; Jean Jones; Rebecca Johnson; Joan Hughes; and Patti Sommers. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who purchased tickets!
Photos by Joanne Burger
Oktoberfest! Our Oktoberfest fundraiser was an enormous success and enormous fun! This was due to the dedicated work of the RWC Fundraising Committee and their hard working recruits. The totals aren't all in yet, but we hope to exceed our goal of $3000 for Boxes of Basics, this year's charity. The decorations, band, food, free beer, raffles, and the “Masskrugstemmen” contest, made the evening one to remember. Congratulations to Peggy Curley and Bob Converse for winning the Masskrugstemmen contest! Please enjoy the slideshow - it says more than words ever could.
September 2, 2021 Luncheon
A perfectly beautiful September day welcomed our first luncheon of the 2021-2022 season. Our Executive VP, Nancy Converse, greeted new and returning members, and called for a moment of silence in memory of those we have lost over the past year. Sheryl Solow presented the Thought for the Day reading a poem she wrote during the period of isolation. It was entitled "Brilliantly Resilient". Our program featured Jaime McArdle, a very talented violinist who entertained us with her stories and beautiful playing.
Joanne Burger, Community Services Committee Alternate, gave us a run down of upcoming projects. October 19, 2021 - Coats for Kids October 29, 2021 - Blood Drive November - Gift cards from grocery stores for Haymarket Regional Food Pantry to supplement fresh meat and vegetable for holiday meals.
Mary Howell, Fundraising Alternate, told us about upcoming fundraising opportunities! The Oktoberfest slated for September 22, 2021, was sold out in a week! December 12, 2021 will offer a Sweet Shoppe at Liz Anderson's home. April 28, 2022 will bring the return of the very popular RWC Golf Tournament!
Mary conducted the raffle that benefits our scholarship fund. The lucky winners were: Darcee Trigger, Donna Maynard, Joan Matochik, Jean Jones, JoAnn Chastulik, Liz Anderson, Sue Bavis, Donna Jones, Nancy Converse, Joan Lipera, and Laura Fedewa! Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who continue to support this important scholarship. It makes a definite difference in the students' futures!