June 6, 2019 Awards and Installation Dinner "Life is an open book and education helps you write a success story." This was the perfect beginning to our evening to honor our scholarship winners. After dinner, our RWC President, Elena Daly, welcomed our guests and introduced Alissa Bridges, a guidance counselor from Battlefield High School, who thanked us for providing two scholarships to Battlefield students and then introduced the two recipients – Diyonna Jackson who will pursue a career in Emergency Medical Services and Lillian Amro who will study to become a Physician’s Assistant. Our two nursing student recipients, Maria Carmela Gaila and Halima Mohamed Abdulla, were not able to attend. However, Kelly Persons, Executive Director of the NOVA Foundation and Dr. Laura Dickson, Acting Dean of Nursing at NOVA each thanked us for our generosity. Dr. Dickson read thank you letters from Maria and Halima, expressing their gratitude to us for making an investment in their futures. Nancy Converse read a letter from our Community Services VP Joanne Burger. Joanne could not attend but wanted to thank her committee, the membership, and our community for their continued support of Community Service projects under her leadership. Nancy thanked our Fundraising Committee for their efforts in raising the funds we are donating to our 2018-2019 charities. Nancy then introduced Jenni Green and Liz Bush from Alex’s Army. Jenni described Alex’s fight with cancer and how this organization began. It has raised over $340,000 for cancer research. They have recently begun a meals team to help local families. The meal team is called Love and Pickles, one of Alex’s favorite food. Feeding Friends founders, Kevin and Ann Rychlik spoke next. Feeding Friends provides a food truck to the homeless community and pass out sandwich packets assembled at a local church. They have now distributed over 25,000 meals. They have expanded to include clothing and bug spray. They consider themselves to be the Voice of the Community for the homeless. Joan Hughes had the honor of presenting each organization with a check for $9000.00. President Elena Daly began the business meeting by presenting first year board members Gini Adair and Joan Hughes with their dogwood pins and Past President, Glenna Toppen, presented Elena with her President’s pin. The board for 2019-2020 came forward and was installed. The new board members are: President – Elena Daly; Vice President – Carol Bowen; Vice President of Programs – Gini Adair; Vice President of Community Services – Nancy Converse; Vice President of Fundraising – Joan Hughes; Treasurer – LaValle Ulmer; Recording Secretaries – Glenna Toppen and Florence Byrne; Corresponding Secretary – Sheryl Solow. Included in the picture are President appointed Publicity Chair - Lee Lipscomb and By-Law Chair - Liz Coughlin. Absent are President - Elena Daly; Treasurer - LaValle Ulmer; and President appointed Membership Chair - Sandi McNickle. Elena presented gift cards to Donna Maynard and Mary Ginty for their monthly contributions to our scholarship raffles. Donna donates beautiful baskets and Mary donates delicious homemade jams. Congratulations to our June raffle winners: Bobbie Strigel, Joan Hughes, Joyce Eliassen, Kathie Hodum and Sheryl Solow!
Photos by Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
May 2, 2019 Luncheon The May luncheon graced us with warm weather, beautiful music and dance, generosity, and friendship. Nancy Macks gave the Thought for the Day, focused on Mother's Day and read a lovely poem. “My Mother Kept a Garden” My Mother kept a garden, a garden of the heart, She planted all the good things that gave my life it’s start. She turned me to the sunshine and encouraged me to dream, Fostering and nurturing the seeds of self-esteem… And when the winds and rain came, she protected me enough- But not too much because she knew I’d need to stand up strong and tough. Her constant good example always taught me right from wrong- Markers for my pathway that will last a lifetime long. I am my Mother’s garden. I am her legacy- And I hope today she feels the love reflected back from me Author Unknown
After lunch, we were entertained by the Manassas Ballet Company. Amy Wolfe, Artistic Director of the Ballet, talked about the ballet, its start and where it is today. They now have 25 dancers of all ages from the US and foreign countries. The dancers performed segments of the ballet Sleeping Beauty.
By-Laws Chair, Liz Coughlin conducted the election of our Board of Directors for 2019-2020. She read the proposed slate: President – Elena Daly; Vice President – Carol Bowen; Vice President of Programs – Gini Adair; Vice President of Community Services – Nancy Converse; Vice President of Fundraising – Joan Hughes; Treasurer – LaValle Ulmer; Recording Secretaries – Glenna Toppen and Florence Byrne; Corresponding Secretary – Sheryl Solow. The slate was voted in by acclamation. Congratulations to our May Scholarship raffle winners: Janet Powell, Louise Worley, Susan Bavis, Donna Jerome, and Gini Kelly!
Photographers: Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
RWC Golf Tournament April 25, 2019
Generosity was the name of the game at the RWC Charity Golf Tournament on April 25th! It was a wonderful day for lunch, a round of golf, and happy hour with friends and neighbors.
1st place winners of the tournament were Terry Maynard, John Kittelberger, Walt Elder and Frank Kruse. 2nd place winners were Jeff Johns, Holly Johns, Steve Waldron and Cathy Waldron. The winners of the putting were Fran Powers and Jean Jones.
Silent Auction Winners: Theresa Peck: Brier Creek Country Club, Raleigh NC Nancy & Jim Bellis: Country Club, Jupiter, FL Karen Nizialek: Parkland Golf & Country Club, Parkland, FL Jim Morris: Oak Creek Country Club, Upper Marlboro, MD All courses included golf fees, cart fees and range balls.
Live Auction Dennis Byrne's auctioneering talents put the Lively into the Live auction! Matt Jennings won a two night stay at the Robert E. Lee Hotel with a round of golf for two at the Lexington Golf & Country Club.
And more... Frank Garneski won the the 50/50 raffle and donated his winnings to the charities. The golf pro was the Hole in One winner and also donated his winnings to the charities.
Hole Sponsorships
Hole 1. 1. In Memory of Rosemary Callaghan 2. Trevino Drive Hole 2. 1. Terry and Donna Maynard 2. In Memory of Ann Nordness Hole 3. 1. Hagen Way - Hughes, Michaels, Maynard, Mingione & Bickel 2. In Memory of Helen Wells Hole 4. 1. HLT Trekking Ltd. 2. M & M Hole 5. 1. Arlene & Francis Nurthen, Shelly & Tom Kuenning, Kristine & Frank Rouse 2. Mary & Bill Howell ~ Gladys & Roy Reichlen Hole 6. 1. Foster ~ Nurthen ~ Bernard ~ Thompson 2. Debbie & Doug Moore Hole 7. 1. Jack & Susan Bavis 2. The Regency Fishing Club Hole 8. 1. Sen Cura Home Care 2. Trevino Drive Hole 9. 1. S. Solow ~ W & W Kellum ~ C & CJ Kelley ~ D & B Church 2. In Loving Memory of Frank Bernard Hole 10. 1. Dick & Fran Powers 2. Camille & Paul Bolinger Hole 11. 1. Gloria & Tanya Krause, Linda Domina & Janette Bryden 2. Candace Moe, The Girls of Real Estate/RLAH Hole 12. 1. Anonymous from Palmers Ridge 2. The Regency Board of Directors Hole 13. 1. Star McGivern 2. The Burgers & McCords Hole 14. 1. Pam & Bill Siddon 2. Regency Flamingos Hole 15. 1. Lew & Hattie Thurman Nancy & Bob Converse 2. Regency Flamingos Hole 16. 1. Nadia Ghieth 2. Trevino Drive Hole 17. In Memory of Lt. E. J. Kelly Hole 18. 1. Jennifer Vollrath, Salon Nordine & Day Spa 2. Trevino Drive Putters: 1. Vicki J. Woodward 2. John J. Glier
April 4, 2019 Luncheon
What a lovely day to celebrate Spring's arrival! Nearly 130 members and guests came to meet, greet, and enjoy lunch together.
Sue Patterson gave the thought for the day with her reading of the poem "Leisure" by Welsh poet W. H. Davies: "WHAT is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?-- No time to stand beneath the boughs, And stare as long as sheep and cows: No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass: No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night: No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance: No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began? A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare."
Following lunch, Christine Barringer, of Home At Last, gave an interesting presentation about using color in our homes. She gave us lots of examples and ideas for bringing rooms to life through the use of color.
Liz Coughlin, By-Laws Chair, introduced the slate of Officers that we will be electing in May. President: Elena Daly VP: Carol Bowen VP Programs: Gini Adair VP Community Service: Nancy Converse VP Fundraising: Joan Hughes Treasurer: LaValle Ulmer Recording Secretaries: Glenna Toppen and Florence Byrne Corresponding Secretary: Sheryl Solow
Congratulations to our April Scholarship raffle winners: Kathie Hodum, Alice Silbaugh, Brenda Loger, Carmela Welte, Sunita Gearity, Nancy Vuley, and Lee Lipscomb
Photography by: Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
March 7, 2019 Luncheon
It may have been cold outside, but the warm smiles and greetings from our members and guests brought a touch of Springtime to our March luncheon meeting. Barbara Barter shared some thoughts on the promise of Spring. Our guest speaker, Shawn Daley, USMC (ret) Major, talked about three words to help us all make the most of ourselves, no matter the age. They are: Discovery, Believe, Love. His Service Dog, Perkins, and his wife, Kathy were cheering him on from the sidelines.
Barbara Bernard announced the slate of officers for the RWC 2019-2020 Board. They are: President: Elena Daly VP: Carol Bowen VP Programs: Gini Adair VP Community Service: Nancy Converse VP Fundraising: Joan Hughes Treasurer: LaValle Ulmer Recording Secretaries: Glenna Toppen and Florence Byrne Corresponding Secretary: Sheryl Solow Returning Appointed Chairs: Membership: Sandi McNickle ByLaws: Liz Coughlin Publicity: Lee Lipscomb
Congratulations to our Scholarship Raffle winners: Sheryl Solow, Jean Clough, Nancy Bellis, Eileen Thomsen, Anna Chapla, Kay Ferguson, and Carmela Welte!
Photography: Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
February 7, 2019 Luncheon
A profusion of red could be seen at our February luncheon. It was appropriate during Heart Health month, and for Valentine's Day! LaValle Ulmer gave our Thought for the Day by sharing the varied and eye-opening history of Valentine's Day. Our guest speaker, Trudy Marotta from AARP, gave us important information about protecting ourselves from identity theft. If you'd like more information you can visit their website at: www.AARP.org/fraudwatchnetwork.
Elena Daly kicked off the business meeting by announcing the members of the Nominating Committee: Barbara Bernard, Chair Liz Coughlin, Nancy Converse, Leslie Mitchell, and LaValle Ulmer
Congratulations to our Scholarship Raffle winners: Lillian Coney, Paulette Nedrow, Sue Patterson, Mary McKeone, and Carol Bowen
Photos by: Gini Kelly and Lee Lipscomb
January 3, 2019 Luncheon
We had quite a gathering at the first luncheon of the new year! Sandi McNickle provided the thought for the day. We welcomed Brenda Solomon and Pam Swinford, two of the owners of the Copper Cricket Consignment Shop located in downtown Haymarket. Brenda and Pam talked about how the shop has grown over the past two years. They demonstrated many ways of refreshing our homes with what we may already have, or by purchasing some accent items to give new life to your decor. They were interesting, informative, and entertaining! Our six raffle winners were: Ann Catalano, Janice MacDonald, Letizia Teganini, Erna Grzejka, Barbara Bernard, and Fran McGuire.
December 6, 2018 Luncheon
What a festive group we had at the December luncheon. Lois Beauchamp gave us the thought for the day by reading one of Maya Angelou's quotes, in part: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." A profusion of red greeted Doug Burroughs, owner of the Flower Gallery and featured guest. Doug entertained us with his typical wit and wisdom as he created four beautiful arrangements for the holidays. These arrangements were donated for our scholarship raffle. Four lucky members carried them home. Our ten raffle winners were: Carmela Welte, Lois Beauchamp, Eva Kendall, Paula Street, Connie Mayhugh, Eleanor Hammond, Sheryl Solow, Hattie Thurman, Kathy Elder, Kate Connelly
November 1, 2018 Luncheon
It was a beautiful Fall Day for our November luncheon. So many came dressed in their Autumn finery to hear our very own Gini Kelly, who wowed us with stories of her experiences as a CIA Operative in Moscow during the Cold War in 1974-75. We felt as though we were watching a thriller unfold in real life. Many thanks to Gini for sharing that part of her life with us. Janet Powell gave our thought for the day - Happiness in Old Age Our raffle winners were: Carolyn Soderberg, Nancy Morrill, Terry Scott, Jean Jones, Wanda Crouch, and Joyce Eliassen.
On October 21, 2018 shouts of Prost! Wunderbar! Masskrugstemmen! were heard throughout the Regency Clubhouse! Congratulations to Bob Converse and Sue Patterson for holding their own and winning the Masskrugstemmen contest! Congrats to raffle winners Liz Anderson and Becky Curran! Thanks to all who attended to help raise funds for our beneficiaries this year: Alex's Army and Feeding Friends!
October 4, 2018 Luncheon
Barbara Bernard opened today’s program with good and bad news. Her cousin, Joan Houlihan, our scheduled speaker, was not able to make the long journey from Massachusetts due to a bad back. The good news was that The Music Makers, a group made up of Regency residents were willing to fill in and entertain us! Dana D. Carter, the co-founder of the group, talked about its start up and how it has grown to the 14 members it has today. We were entertained with a variety of vocal and instrumental numbers which were thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. We have some truly talented people in Regency and so happy they want to share them with all of us!
Congratulations to our raffle winners: Carol Larkin, Ollie Ulmer, and Sandy Sensibaugh!
September 6, 2018 Luncheon
What a wonderful turnout for our first luncheon of the 2018-2019 season! One hundred fifty-six women gathered to catch up after the Summer break and enjoy lunch and music together. We were entertained by Lexi Jackson, singer and musician. She covered John Denver, Elvis, Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Hank Williams, Sr., and Loretta Lynn. It was a fun, lively program!
Our charitable beneficiaries for this year's fundraisers are: Feeding Friends, and Alex's Army. This year we will host an Oktoberfest at the Clubhouse on October 21, 2018
the other fundraisers for the year are: Chef's Table Raffle and Charity Golf Tournament in the Spring
Raffle winners were: Kathy Hodum, Hildegard West, and Donna Maynard. Congratulations!